Felicia English, PhD

Dr. Felicia English brings 26 years of experience in key Training & Organizational Development roles with specialties in Facilitation and Performance Coaching. Felicia English ignites and engages groups as a seasoned Professional Development Trainer. As C.E.O. of Kaizen Coaching & Consulting, her independent performance & productivity consulting practice, she has aided 100’s of clients success for over two decades. Dr. English proudly served the FranklinCovey Co. as a Training Delivery Consultant, and is a certified John Maxwell Team Coach and continues learning and working with Motivating the Masses. Lisa Nichols team as a Speaker.
Dr. English certified as an Elite Life & Business Coach in 2010 and has assisted hundreds in her specialty as a Performance Coach. Dr. English sits on the Authentic Strengths Solutions team providing strengths-based training and coaching. A positive psychology focus is an asset in her coaching practice where she measures success by quantifiable change.
Dr. Felicia English became one of the first North American YB12 Coaches & Trainers in early 2017 adding these tools to her robust toolbox to help clients have their “Best Year Ever!” She brings high competency, character, and creativity to performance coaching, driving toward vision, and mission. Felicia’s experience and knowledge to help leaders, managers, departments/teams, and aspiring individuals to manage their highest priorities and achieve goals. Her passion is evident for improving employee effectiveness, ACTION, and healthy organizational culture. Her Public Administration and private sector experience allow her to work effectively with both public and private organizations. Similarly, her initial career in K-12 Education leverage her ability to provide professional development in schools/districts/staff. Felicia’s overall work experience as a Management Analyst supporting the City Manager, and the Port of San Diego supporting the President/CEO, working in Organizational Effectiveness allows her to easily connect and work effectively with all segments of the organization, connect with employees at all levels to lead, partner, facilitate, or coach..
Dr. English provides individual and group coaching to help clients experience “Transformation” in their business and as Leaders. Dr. English has worked with the Disney/ABC Co., Union Bank, Whole Foods, T-Mobile, school districts, police departments and leadership, management, and employees of most every type of organization. Her doctoral work in human development & motivation afford her vast relevant experience to reference in workshops and as a University Instructor. Her own lived experiences and transformation leverages her scholarly knowledge and vast work experience to uniquely and expertly help clients achieve dramatic, targeted improvements, remove barriers, and create/attain new levels of performance.
Dr. English is most known for her engaging style and making content come to life through relevance and connecting with each client authentically. She is purposeful about driving practical application in training and coaching for results. Consulting specialties include:
Group Facilitation - Performance Coaching
Management Training - Leadership Development
Strengths Training & Coaching - Resilience
Addiction/Recovery Coaching
Dr. English holds a BA in Sociology from UC, Riverside, a Masters of Public Adm. from Ca State Univ., Fullerton, a Masters of Arts in Organizational Systems and a PhD in Human & Organizational Development from Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, Ca. and a Drug & Alcohol Counseling Certificate 1 from California Consortium of Addiction Programs & Professionals (CCAPP)